WeekTwelve:Observe Lent
I had a very difficult time trying to figure out what I was going to do for this week’s installment of 52to30. As I’ve mentioned before, being the wintertime in Buffalo I’m relatively limited in what I can attempt at a reasonable cost. While I’m trying to make this adventure as meaningful and fun as possible I can’t afford to be throwing money around like I’m in a rap video. I mean, I’d love to see Mount Rushmore but in the name of fiscal responsibility I can’t just hop a plane to South Dakota for the sake of the blog. I’m trying to start a life here and quite frankly, I’ll have plenty of time to accomplish the rest of the things on my life’s list after my 30th birthday – hopefully.
Therefore, at this time, it’s become a challenge to find fun, new experiences for this adventure without putting myself in the poor house. This isn’t for lack of trying, however. I was hoping for another foray into winter sports but, unbeknownst to me, the toboggan chutes at Chestnut Ridge are currently closed for construction and I can’t find anyone willing to lend me some cross-country skis. There were several other activities I attempted to set in motion this week but for various reasons I was unsuccessful - at the risk of spoiling future installments, I won’t disclose these endeavors at this time.
After sharing this problem with several interested parties, I received many different ideas for this week’s adventure. Some were things I’ve already done in my life, so those were disqualified, several were activities I’ve thought of but are planned for later in the year and a few weren’t very good ideas at all – Pat can’t seem to let that litter box thing go.
However, on Tuesday, with the week winding down and fear growing over the possibility of a let down, inspiration came, as usual, from my wonderful girlfriend Jackie. We were discussing my dilemma while watching news coverage of Fat Tuesday festivities when she suggests, “You should give something up for Lent.” This idea was so brilliantly obvious I was stunned.
I like the idea of adapting my ventures in 52to30 around the current holiday or season and I seem to be fond of testing my will power through self-deprivation (see Week Eight), so it works from several angles. Also, with the lack of religious practice throughout my life (see Week Three), I’ve never previously observed Lent. Therefore, considering my ignorance of the tradition, I did some research to ensure my understanding of its meaning and practice. However, like many Christian customs, including Easter and Christmas, self-denial during Lent has transcended religious practice and become more of a cultural tradition. (Note: To any devout readers, please forgive my blasphemy).
So now that I’ve decided on my new experience for week twelve, the next step is determining what I will give up for the next forty days. Jackie’s first suggestion was alcohol but since I really don’t drink that often I didn’t think it would be very impressive. Also, we have a wedding this weekend and St. Patrick’s Day in a couple of weeks, so why spoil two of those otherwise rare opportunities to tie one on. Next she mentioned coffee, but that’s just ridiculous. You can’t reasonably expect me to give up coffee for over a month and live to tell the tale. Some sacrifices aren’t worth the suffering. Finally, I decided on another of my favorite indulgences. One I really could afford to cut out of my daily routine – sweets.
Please don’t get the impression that I’m some pig, constantly stuffing my face with candy and baked goods. In fact, I never go out of my way to buy treats on my own, but if they’re available I’m jumping in. Chocolate, brownies, cake, donuts and anything in this general category, when presented I’m taking my fair share. Anyone who knows me, however, will tell you my greatest weakness is easily chocolate chip cookies. They’re just impossible for me to resist and I rarely stop at one. But take all of these sweets, put them on a list and forget about them for the next forty days. Trust me, this is going to be very difficult for me.
However, beyond simply being a new experience, I’m excited for my first observed Lent because of the benefits involved. Not only will it test my perpetual fat kid will power (definitely not my greatest strength), I hope it also encourages more positive eating habits. I’m always looking for ways to shed or keep off extra pounds. So when hunger strikes (pun intended), rather than plundering the nearest candy dish or binging on the week old baked goods in the spare cubicle at work, I will be forced to explore healthier options.
It should be interesting to see which environment poses the greater challenge to my goal: the workplace, where the generous ladies of the office love taking any opportunity to share candy and baked goods; or my family, which seems to celebrate a birthday every other week, not to mention my mother’s propensity for baking delicious treats. As a matter of fact, my first test came Wednesday night at my parent’s house where we were celebrating my sister-in-law Carrie’s birthday. True to form, my mother baked this incredible looking “cannoli cake.” I’ve never previously heard of such a thing it looked as delicious as it sounds. Thankfully, I was able to resist.
Now that I’m thinking about it, this experience could make a drastic difference in my life. Forgive my chubby lament, but I’m just realizing how often I indulge in any variety of treats for a pick-me-up or simply because they’re available. Quantity is often an issue as well so it can’t hurt to learn how to say ‘no thanks’ every once in a while. Hopefully I have the strength to last the full forty days but trust me, I’ll be honest with you either way. Expect an “Unsolved Mysteries” style update around Easter Sunday (possibly sooner if things don’t work out). And if you see me out and about don’t be afraid to give me a little pat on the back. I can use all the support I can get.
Listening to: Cheap Girls – Find Me a Drink Home
Reading: Redemption Song: The Ballad of Joe Strummer
Recent Movie: The Elephant Man