The purpose of this entire adventure has been clearly stated as doing one thing every week between my 29th and 30th birthdays that I’ve never tried before. Hence the name fifty-two to thirty. Each week I choose one new activity based on two basic criteria, it’s something I’ve never done and it serves some constructive purpose. Most of what I have planned, and what I’ve accomplished so far, has been for the purpose of self-enlightenment. For the most part, they’re fun things I’ve always wanted to try but for whatever reason I haven’t. And when I say ‘self-enlightenment’ I’m talking about exposing myself to more experiences thus enriching my life. Remember, I don’t take my self very seriously so this is more of a selfish motivational tool than a spiritual journey.
However, this week is a little different. While I have wanted to buy a suit for some time, I feel like it’s something I need to do at this point in my life. After all, I’m a grown man fast approaching thirty and as it’s often said, every man should own at least one suit. The realization slowly dawned over many weddings, job interviews and various other formal events that I was one of the few remaining men without a proper suit. The shirt and tie with khakis can only work for so long before you start to look a little juvenile.
Of course, the emphasis here is on the word ‘formal.’ Thankfully, my current job does not necessitate wearing a suit (God bless business casual). Even when I was teaching, my forgotten and unfulfilled career of choice, I sported the daily shirt and tie. Therefore, by owning a suit, special events carry more meaning because I can get myself fancied up without feeling like I’m getting ready for work. And we all like to feel fancy once in a while, right?
Now, buying a suit was not originally on my list of things to accomplish this year. However, my incredibly perceptive girlfriend Jackie realized my desire to own one and for my birthday she surprised me with a check to be used towards the purchase my first suit (she referred to it as my “birthday suit” but that’s a story for another day). So when I decided to put this money to use I thought to myself, ‘Hey, this is a constructive activity I’ve never done before.’ And that is what we call coming full circle.
I began the suit buying process with some research so I knew what I was getting myself into. After all, even an amateur like myself can spot the difference between a quality suit and a cheap knock off. So if I’m going to make this investment count, I have to ensure I’m getting my money’s worth. Likewise, however, there’s no justifiable reason for me to break the bank on a suit I’ll only wear a few times a year. Therefore, appealing to my general sensibility, I set out to find the perfect combination of quality and value.
My research began by determining the choices available for the standard features of the modern men’s suit. While some of these things later seemed obvious, I wanted to start as basic as possible. The picture quickly came into focus: 100% wool, single-breasted, dark color, nothing too trendy or flashy. Call it conservative if you like, but I’ll say I’m going classic. The last thing I want is for anyone to confuse me with Don Cherry.
Next, however, was a more difficult decision: 2-button or 3-buttons? Much of what I read stated the 3-button was the current trend while being traditional enough to maintain relevance through the years. However, I decided to consult with a few experts. After Googling pictures of such standard awesome dudes as Brad Pitt, David Beckham and Daniel Craig (my favorite James Bond), I decided the 2-button was the way to go. Not only is it the choice of fashionable males like these but it’s also a much sleeker and classier look in my opinion.
After choosing these basic features, I had to determine where I would do my shopping. Again, in the name of quality and value, I knew I wasn’t visiting any custom tailors but I also wasn’t picking it off the rack at K-Mart. Therefore, I chose to keep it easy and check out some of the mid-range men’s shops. With a little more research, including recommendations from friends, I decided Men’s Warehouse was going to be the place.
Jackie accompanied me on this adventure, which was great because she’s an excellent bargain shopper and I need all the help I can get when dealing with salespeople. Walking in we were greeted by Pete and he was definitely not the shady grease ball I was expecting. In fact, he was a pretty average guy that seemed rather laid back and open if not nervous.
I broke down the whole situation to Pete, explaining why I was buying a suit and emphasizing how I’d like to keep it simple. I told him the style I was looking for, the colors I preferred and even my price range. Based on this information he quickly pulled a number of different suits for us to check out. It’s amazing how easy things can be when you do your homework. (See kids, all that research pays off in the end!) Pete also informed us of the current ‘buy one get one free’ sale they were having.
First, I tried on a few navy coats but that only confirmed my thoughts of avoiding a blue suit. They keep telling me it’s classic but all I see is old man. Next were a few darker blazers with various checks and pinstripes. While these were decent they were a little too loud for my tasted. Particularly the “window pane” style, which is much more Bernie Mac than Johnny Cash and that is not the direction I want to take.
Finally, I was able to narrow my choices down to the two suits I liked best. The first is a 2-button, black with very subtle pinstripes. This one was a slam-dunk even though it was on the higher end of the price range. The second, which in the name of value is the same price, is a nice, 2-button, dark charcoal. Both suits are slim-fitting and very comfortable with a sleek and classic look.
Some of the similar options, though a little cheaper, did not fit as well either visually or in comfort level. Also, as a point of reference, I imagined how each coat would look with a pair of jeans in a more casual setting. The two suits I chose were superior in every category, except maybe price. But I guess it’s true that you get what you pay for and overall I’m really excited about the suits I ultimately chose. Right now, however, my main concern is finding an excuse to wear them. See you on the dance floor.
LISTENING TO : Gaslight Anthem (Andy’s idea)
READING : Moby Dick (Still)
Another wonderful installment of your blog. Anything that references Don Cherry has my complete support. However, you really need to take a picture in the suit and post it. That seems pretty obvious. I'll wait until the next time I see you to share any grammatical errors with you ;)
I, too, appreciate the Don Cherry reference, although I would want to be confused with him! Anyway, great job, I enjoy reading.
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